Outreach Ministries: Ribbon Cutting for new 'client-choice food room'

  • Outreach Ministries: Ribbon Cutting for new 'client-choice food room'
    Outreach Ministries: Ribbon Cutting for new 'client-choice food room'

Shelby County Outreach Ministries would like to invite everyone to come out to their upcoming Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their new client-choice food room.  It will be held on Friday, December 1 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Shelby County Outreach Ministries is located at 930 Shelbyville street. The food room will allow clients to select food their families will eat. Outreach Ministries has also renovated their building and would like for everyone to take a tour. 

The mission of Shelby County Outreach Ministries is to feed the hungry and assist the needy. Their motto is, "Striving to be the hands and heart of Christ in our community.” 

Shelby County Outreach Ministries is open five days a week, Monday through Friday.  Clients are served from 10:00 - 2:00. Please be part of this wonderful day.  



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