VE Day remembered by local VFW


‘Those who served in World War II European Theater’

  • VE Day remembered by local VFW
    VE Day remembered by local VFW

Members of VFW Post 8904 and the Auxiliary gathered Monday with family and friends to remember VE (Victory in Europe). The remembrance was held at the Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the 1885 Courthouse. “Seventy-eight years ago, in 1945, the war in Europe ended,” Post Quartermaster Larry Hume said. “On what is commonly known as VE Day, both the American and British people gather to remember. The United States suffered over 213,000 casualties in Europe, and today we remember them and all those who served during that time.”

Hume led the opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. “Heavenly Father, we are gathered here to commemorate those who served in Europe during World War II. We remember those who gave their lives during that war and those who survived and have since passed. We also remember and thank those still with us. Let us always honor them – those who sacrificed so that we can live in freedom. We ask our blessing upon us this day. Amen.” Hume welcomed the gathering thanking attendees for “being here today to remember those who served in the European Theater during World War II.


“Shelby County, Texas suffered 66 casualties, citizens who died in the service of their country, or are still missing in action,” Hume said. “Forty-four were killed in the Chaos of battle. Three were wounded in battle and later died of those wounds. Thirteen are still missing in action with generations of family members passing on, never knowing the fate of their loved one. Six died of noncombat reasons. “The names of these 66 will be read at our upcoming Memorial Day program along with all others from all wars,” Hume said. “While the war in Europe ended on May 8, the War in the Pacific continued until September 1945. There are over 73,000 Americans still unaccounted for from World War II. They too have not been forgotten and we pray the families will one day have closure.” Hume continued, “As you can see except for us here today, this day in history has
gone unnoticed in Shelby County, Texas. We will always remember the service and sacrifice of our military even if others don’t.”

Post Senior Vice Elect Michael Wulf laid the memorial wreath. Taps was sounded by Former Post 8904 Commander Gene Hutto in honor of those who died protecting American freedoms during WW II in Europe and those who survived and have since passed. “Thank you again for being here,” Hume concluded. “Our next observance will be Memorial Day, Monday, May 29 at 11 a.m. at the Windham Civic Center.”


VE Day remembered by local VFW


Members of VFW Post 8904 and the Auxiliary gathered with family and friends at the Veterans Memorial on the grounds of the 1885 Courthouse to
remember VE (Victory in Europe) Day. (Leon Aldridge photo/The Light and Champion)


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